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Debugging is one of the most important skills in software development. Let’s take a look on selected topics.

Relational databases (MySql)

Most projects use MySQL for data storage. The first thing worth doing is setting up a client to connect to the database conveniently.

PHP Storm – DB Client


This IDE provides a good enough client with interesting features. Let’s see how we can use diagrams to visualize relationships of tables.

Our use case will be:

After selecting show diagram option, we will see the whole db structure.

This is not very useful at this step. Remove all entries and drag&drop intresting tables to see clear relations!

Each diagram can be saved for later or exported do for instance.


Understanding French names might be dificult. As one of possible sollutions might be adding comment on table as SQL level. Keep it locally or agree with team members it can be commited.

Devis in French = Quotes in English

Then when you hover over table – then given comment will be displayed.

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